The Concertina and Egoza-Caiman razor wire is used in the construction of the Piranha razor mesh, you can buy high-quality barbed wire from us, while the price of the razor wire will be from the manufacturer - the Caiman Production Group. The quality of our Egoza razor wire is confirmed by numerous certificates, and the design and manufacturing method of Egoza razor wire are protected by copyright patents.
Concertina barbed wire is a Egoza razor wire made on the basis of spring steel wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm and Concertina razor tape with a thickness of 0.45 mm. The razor tape and steel wire have a high-quality zinc coating, which reliably protects the Concertina razor wire from corrosion, due to which its service life is at least 25 years. Such parameters of the barbed wire allow to ensure its high protective properties, strength and durability, while its weight, and therefore the price of the Concertina barbed wire will be lower than the price of other types of modern Egoza razor wire. Concertina barbed wire is used to manufacture the Piranha-2x6 razor mesh, which has a height of 2 meters and a roll length of 6 meters.
Egoza-Caiman barbed wire is a Egoza razor wire, the design of which uses galvanized Egoza razor tape, having a thickness of 0.5 mm, as well as galvanized spring wire with a diameter of 2.8 mm. Egoza-Caiman razor wire is the most popular and versatile type of Egoza barbed wire with an optimal price-quality ratio for barbed wire. The zinc coating of the Egoza razor wire ensures long-term operation of barriers based on it even in difficult natural conditions, and its high strength allows for the production of reliable and effective razor wire barriers based on it. Egoza-Caiman razor wire is used in the construction of the main types of barbed mesh - it is used to make Piranha-2x10, Piranha-2.4x10 and Piranha-2.7x10, which are 10 meters long and 2, 2.4 and 2.7 meters high, respectively.